Where do I start ? Well the first thing to say would be that I've got a job! Yes I have a career, well the start of one! From the end of this year I will be an employee of Sound research Laboratories Ltd of Suffolk UK! Crazy! I'm the first on the course to have a secure job offer! Company car, just under 18G a year and I'll be near london (most likely Colchester)! Can't really belive it, hence the large number of exclamation marks in the preceeding text!
Apart from that amazing news, I also got the new Hundred Reasons album "Kill Your Own" which is (as expected) amazing so go an buy it now all you rock loving monkeys! Whats more amazing is that me and my bro are going to see them on the 4th april in manchester which will be sweet!
Also been re-discovering my love of jazz particularly nu-jazz thanks to my friend mike and his viynl collection, I now also want a record player! Started listening to Gilles petterson on radio one and through the magic of mini discs now have some interesting stuff to keep me occupied and provide another distraction from work! Thanks to Gilles me and mike have found out that a nu-jazz duo called kyoto jazz massive are playing manchester next weekend so were gonna go check that out adn you all shoudl too if you can, promices to be funk filled fun!
Not been very active on the blog recently, which is dissapointing, but gonna keep trying, I've setup a flickr account so hopefully I can put a permanent link to my photo gallery soon, so all the drunken photos will be plain to see! In the mean-time my msn space has a load of photos on it (link should be on the left hand side bar).
Well back to listening to Gilles and playing on my gameboy, the ultimate chill out!